LeakNet Gen2

Introducing LeakNet Gen2, the pinnacle of innovation, transcends its award-winning predecessor. A powerful shield against leaks and water damage, it harmoniously integrates cutting-edge technologies to provide unmatched protection across your properties.

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a large flooded apartment with lots of windows

LeakNet Gen2

Water leaks are a threat to property owners and facility managers, causing extensive damage, disrupting operations, and escalating costs. Traditional leak detection methods often rely on reactive measures, leaving buildings vulnerable to costly catastrophes.

Our AI-powered water leak detection solution revolutionises this outdated paradigm, employing cutting-edge technology to proactively identify and mitigate leaks before they spiral into disasters.

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Reduce Your Water Bill
Stop leaks and lower your water bill by up to 60%!

6x lower chance of claim
Water management devices decrease the chance of claims from 6 claims to 1 claim in every 10 construction site

Cut Insurance Premiums
Keep your building insurable and achieve huge reductions in Insurance Premiums and Deductibles by up to 50%

Graphic of Leak being identified by Quensus Solutions
Graphic of Leak being identified by Quensus Solutions with magnify glass

Prevent floods before they happen...

At the heart of our solution lies a sophisticated AI algorithm that continuously monitors water consumption data from sensors installed throughout the plumbing system. By analysing consumption patterns and identifying deviations from normal usage, the AI engine can pinpoint potential leaks with remarkable accuracy.

BREEAM White logo

BREEAM Compliant

By integrating our BREEAM-compliant water leak detection systems into your building's infrastructure, you can earn up to 3 BREEAM credits for water efficiency measures. Additionally, utilising our FlowReporter software and Water Management as a Service approach can further enhance your sustainability credentials, earning an additional 6 BREEAM credits.

LeakNet Gen2

Unleash the Power of AI

At the heart of our solution lies a sophisticated machine learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm that continuously monitors water consumption data from sensors installed throughout the plumbing system. By analysing consumption patterns and identifying deviations from normal usage, the AI engine can pinpoint potential leaks with remarkable accuracy.

Bespoke Systems

Tailored to you

Quensus LeakNet solutions are tailored to align with your specific requirements, covering everything from unit specifications to pre-wired commercial-ready installations. Your needs serve as the foundation for our bespoke approach, ensuring a seamless fit for an optimally customised solution.

Leak Detection AI
BMS Integration
Supports Leak Cable, Meter & Valve
Audible Alarm
Flowrate Display
Temperature Alerts
Made from Recycled ABS
24+ Hour Backup Battery
Graphic of Quensus Helpdesk
Stacked images of flowreporter software
FlowReporter logo v2

Advanced Reporting

Our solution provides real-time monitoring and comprehensive reporting, allowing property owners and facility managers to stay informed about water usage patterns and potential leak incidents. Instant push notifications alert designated personnel of any detected anomalies, ensuring swift and effective response.

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Stacked images of flowreporter software - left
Water leak icon

Prevent Damage

Peace of mind that your property and valuables are safe from water damage with automated leak detection.
Shower icon

Gain Insight

Understand when and where water is used, diagnose problems and make your operations more efficient.
Water valve icon

Save Money

Automatic bill checking and water shutoff means no nasty surprises when the water bill arrives!

Featured Add-Ons

Available Add-Ons that connect to your LeakNet Unit

Splash Sensors

Quick & Easy to Install Splash Detectors - Immediate notification of water leaks  and is capable of automatically shutting off the water if required.

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Splash Sensor with transparent background

Leak Cable

Leak cable are able to detect any present water, immediately notifying all parties via FlowReporter and is capable of automatically shutting off the water if required.

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PNG of Leak Cable


Discover our range of flow sensors & meters, designed for accurate and reliable fluid measurement in various applications.

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Explore our comprehensive range of WRAS Approved valves, including solenoid, motorised, and butterfly options, designed for precise fluid control in various applications.

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FlowReporter logo v2

Control Everything from One App

Water Management made simple with real-time consumption and alert notification. Everything that you need to know, in a single place.

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ipad of flow reporter

See how LeakNet out-performs the competition.

Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Andel Flow Stop
Andel Flow Stop
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Backup Battery
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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1 yr
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Backup Battery
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Floodcheck Auto
Floodcheck Auto
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Backup Battery
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Backup Battery
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Aqualeak AquaGuardDual
Aqualeak AquaGuardDual
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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Green tick icon
15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
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Green tick icon
Backup Battery
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Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
LeakSafe WaterSwitch 3
LeakSafe WaterSwitch 3
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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1 yr
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
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Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Homeserve LeakBot
Homeserve LeakBot
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Green tick icon
Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Grohe Sense guard
Grohe Sense guard
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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1.5 yrs
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Reliance Multisafe
Reliance Multisafe
Maximum Pipe Size
Green tick icon
Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Remote Alerts
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Realtime Monitoring
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Green tick icon
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Freemium Software
Green tick icon
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Consumer Reporting
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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1.5 yrs
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Green tick icon
Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Envirotech Imrita
Envirotech Imrita
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Green tick icon
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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Green tick icon
15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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1.5 yrs
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Waterguard Home
Waterguard Home
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
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Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Aquilar Sonic
Aquilar Sonic
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Green tick icon
Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Aquilar AquiTron
Aquilar AquiTron
Maximum Pipe Size
Green tick icon
Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Remote Alerts
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Green tick icon
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Realtime Monitoring
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Green tick icon
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Waterguard Series 7 Dual
Waterguard Series 7 Dual
Maximum Pipe Size
Green tick icon
Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Offline Mode
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Green tick icon
Cabled Water Sensor
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
EnviroTech LeakSaver
EnviroTech LeakSaver
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
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Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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Green tick icon
Green tick icon
BMS Integration
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Green tick icon
Fire Sprinkler override
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Green tick icon
Shutoff Schedules
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Backup Battery
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Quensus logo
Quensus LeakNet
Wint Flowless
Wint Flowless
Maximum Pipe Size
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Intelligence (AI)
Red Cross icon
Green tick icon
Green tick icon
Flow Visualisation
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Remote Alerts
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Realtime Monitoring
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Freemium Software
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Consumer Reporting
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15 yrs
Wireless Water Sensor
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Offline Mode
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Cabled Water Sensor
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BMS Integration
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Fire Sprinkler override
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Shutoff Schedules
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Green tick icon
Backup Battery
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Green tick icon

LeakNet Gen2: Proactive Water Leak Detection for the Smart Building

Outdated leak detection costs you money. Proactive protection saves it. 

Traditional leak detection leaves you vulnerable to expensive water damage and operational downtime. LeakNet Gen2 revolutionises leak protection with cutting-edge AI-powered technology that stops leaks in their tracks, safeguarding your property and your bottom line.

Why Choose LeakNet Gen2?

Prevent catastrophic damage: LeakNet constantly monitors for unusual water flow patterns, alerting you to problems instantly and allowing automatic shut-off.

Reduce insurance costs and claims hassle: Demonstrate responsible water management to insurers, potentially lowering your premiums and avoiding costly claims.

Gain peace of mind: Remote alerts notify you of leaks even when you're away from your property.

Optimise water usage: Monitor water consumption in real-time to identify usage trends, inefficiencies, and potential savings.

Don't wait for leaks to become disasters. Upgrade to LeakNetGen2.

LeakNet's Technological Edge

Traditional Systems: Outdated systems rely on manually programmed thresholds, limiting accuracy and adaptability.

LeakNet Gen2: Employs advanced machine learning to understand your building's unique water usage. This allows for highly accurate, tailored leak detection that improves over time.

Robust Offline Functionality

LeakNet Gen2 safeguards your property even without an internet connection, providing features like automatic shut-off, scheduled operation, and valve control.

Critical functionality: Provides core leak detection and automatic shut-off capabilities even without a network connection, ensuring basic protection on a budget.

Reliability: Operates independently of internet outages or connectivity problems.

Immediate protection: Reacts quickly to leaks based on pre-configured settings, and provides a BMS link, even when remote alerts aren't possible.

Simplicity: Great for straightforward leak detection and control within a single building without needing advanced online features.

Even Better When Online

‍Unlock the full power of LeakNet with remote alerts, customizable settings, consumption history, and continuous learning and improvement.

Remote alerts: Sends real-time notifications of leaks to your phone or by email, no matter where you are.

Customisation: Allows remote modification of settings, thresholds, and schedules for tailoring the leak detection to your specific needs.

Data insights: Provides detailed consumption history, helping you visualize water usage patterns, identify potential leaks, and track savings.

Continuous improvement: Leverages machine learning to refine leak detection accuracy over time based on your building's patterns.

Enhanced support: Enables faster troubleshooting, priority customer service, and convenient over-the-air updates.

Refer to the FlowReporter webpage from more information on online features.

Ready to protect your property with smart leak detection?
Contact us for a demo.

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Keep your properties safe with intelligent water management & leak detection

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