Leak prevention System Specification

1. Introduction

This design note has been produced to detail the leak detection & shut off system, required to comply with the insurance requirements, and best practice guidance given in “Managing Escape of Water Risk on Construction Sites”, as published by the construction Insurance Risk Engineers Group (CIREG).

An effective escape of water prevention system is one made up of multiple automatic flow monitoring and smart shut-off valves. The system must have the following features:

This information will support the contractor in providing budget costs for the work associated with meeting this requirement.

2. Leak Detection / Shut-off Device Requirements

It is an insurance requirement/recommendation that automatic flow monitoring and smart shut-off valves will be installed on all:

3. Proposed System

The contractor is to include an internet-enabled leak detection system made up of automatic flow monitoring and smart shut-off valves, which alerts multiple users via SMS and/or email on the detection of a leak.

Main Features:

The installed system shall also include a self-contained cellular GSM network throughout unless on-site Wi-Fi is available that can be connected to.

The installed system shall be commissioned by the specialist contractor with alerts configured on installation and one month after. Commissioning Certificates and Standard Operating Procedures are to be supplied and handover training provided.

4. Proposed System Provider

The system shall be provided and commissioned by:
Quensus Intelligent Water Management

Contact: Paul Charlesworth
Email: sales@quensus.com
Tel: +44 (0)115 906 1297
Address: Quensus, Nottingham, NG8 6PE, UK

Or equal and approved.

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